Faith is a belief that is not based on proof. The Webster Dictionary “What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.” Hebrews 11:1
Faith is a belief that that is not yet seen or proven. Though, the history of the world changes depend on this abstract thing called faith. America is an example of the history change caused by faith. The pilgrims left their home, all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, to an unknown, dangerous place for their faith of believing their God. If it weren’t the pilgrims, America wouldn’t have been the same as now. America is called the country of Christianity. For America to become like it is now, the influence of pilgrims are huge. Not only faith of Christianity, but faith of the Muslims is changing the world’s history as well. The war that is going on now between Muslim countries and U.S. and some European countries is called the religious war. It is between the people who believe in Allah (the god of Islam) and those who are against the belief Muslims have. Faith is also so strong that faith of one person can change the world. Adolf Hitler had faith that all Jewish people should be exterminated from this world and it was close to happen. Millions of Jewish people from all over Europe were killed. People in the world leave their home and cause wars for what they believe that is not even proven. We, humans always want reasons and proofs for everything; but when we look at faith in this world, it is ironic to see how powerful faith is.